“If we are really going to reduce climate change, we first need to understand why we are doing it and we also need to believe that it’s a battle which we can actually win”
Sarah Roberts - Founder of Creature
Our Vision
In response to the endless negative media coverage, a growing number of children are now suffering from eco-anxiety with 60% of young people feeling ‘very worried’ or ‘extremely worried about its effects. However, climate change is a difficult and complex topic that many adults today weren’t taught about in school.
Dependant on the area of the world, teachers are either presented with limited resources or an overwhelming amount of resources to sift through. Yet as research is ever changing, keeping up with the latest science whilst juggling the demands of a teaching role, is a challenge in itself. That is why Creature has created ‘Climate Action for School’s’ events (CAFS).

Climate Action
for School's Events
Multiple In person workshops and expert lead virtual classes
Covering Science, English and Geography (aligned with the National Curriculum)
For all age groups (3 - 18 yrs)
Topics include: disaster relief, extreme weather, biodiversity loss, human-wildlife conflict, carbon storage, food production and much more...
Each event is curated to the individual schools needs and requirements
What might a CAFS event entail at your school?
Although our speakers may alter depending on availability, we try to keep as much variety as possible to ensure that there is something for everyone. As such, your event will include a mix of virtual and in person workshops, taking place both indoors and outdoors.
British naturalist, Russ Hedley, founder of Nature Talks and Walks, may take small groups out into your own school grounds to connect pupils with the wildlife on their doorstep.
Award winning author, James Sellick will connect pupils with the simple actions that they can all take to protect the planet, whilst sharing his story 'There's a Rang-tan in my Bedroom' all about palm oil.
Pupils may come face to face with snakes, spiders and more, should they meet Nat Geo presenter, 'Jack Randall' who demonstrates how species around the world will be affected by habitat loss and extreme weather.
Pupils will meet a real life mermaid complete with tail, when they get a visit from Lindsey Cole, who has swam the length of the river Thames to raise awareness on UK water pollution.
Students will hear first hand experiences from the ex military and blue light heroes working with the charity RE-ACT, who are first on the scene after hurricanes, floods and extreme weather to help vulnerable communities around the world.
And this is just a small selection, other workshops cover carbon storage technology, human-wildlife conflict, rewilding, ethical journalism and much more.
Why book with us?
Climate change can be an intimidatingly complex area, with so many different topics coming under this bracket. If it's taught incorrectly it can cause confusion, misconceptions and can result in greater damage in the long run. This places huge pressure on the shoulders of teachers and though the education authority recognises the need to provide greater support for this topic, new curriculum frameworks and lesson plans are not due until 2023. So rather than wait, why not book a 'Climate Action Event' for your school and let the experts take the lead instead?
Creature founder, Sarah Roberts, author of children's picture book series 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley', has 10 years experience visiting schools in the UK and abroad providing workshops for all ages on environmental issues. Through her work as an Animal Behaviourist and Ecojournalist in the field, she has also gathered an array of friends and contacts at the forefront of STEM and storytelling and has now enlisted their help to share their knowledge, stories and experiences with you too.